The Old Sod Shanty

Cat. #1254 (MFH #869) - As sung by Mrs. Lee (Floy) Huskey, Blue Eye, Missouri on October 11, 1971

I am looking rather seedy
Now, while holding down my claim
An' my vittles are not always of th best
An' th mice are playing slowly round me
As I settle down to rest
In my litttle ole sod shanty on my claim

And the only friend that claims me
Is this ole stove of mine
In my little ole sod shanty in th west

O, th hinges are of leather
An' th windows have no glass
An' th board roof lets th halling blizzard in
And I hear th hungry coyote
As he slinks up through th grass
Round that little ole sod shanty on th claim

When I left my eastern home
A bachelor so gay
To try an' win my way to wealth an' fame
I never thought that I'd come down
To burning twisted hay
In this little old sod shanty on my claim