Kickin' Mule

Cat. #0231 (MFH #337) - As sung by Mr. Arlie Lynch, Rogers, Arkansas on August 13, 1958

There was a man, lived in this town
His name was Simon Slick
He had a wandering crosseyed mule
N' how that mule would kick
He'd flop his ears, he'd switch his tail
He'd meet you with a smile
And when he'd stretch those hind legs out
He'd send you a half-a-mile

Whoa mule, whoa
Whoa mule, whoa
Every time that nigger looked 'round
It was, whoa mule, whoa
Whoa mule, whoa
Whoa mule, whoa
Every time that nigger looked 'round
It was whoa mule, whoa

He bit a thomas cat into
He paralized a hog
He knocked a feather from th ole gray goose
And he killed that Chinamans dog
He knocked a feather from that goose
He broke an elephants back
He stopped a Texas wayrail train
And kicked it off th track

He saw a steamboat coming
He kicked it out'a sight
He kicked a skating ring into
At nine o'clock at night
Left them standing on their heads
A gasping for their breath
He stuck his hind leg down his throat
And kicked himself to death
