Bonnie Wee Window

Cat. #0051 (MFH #29) - As sung by Mrs. Goldie Schott, Mondell, Arkansas on April 3, 1958

There was a brave lass
And her name it was Nell
She lived in th house
Where her granny did dwell
The house it was small
And th windows were less
It had but four panes
And one needed a glass

O, th bonnie wee window
Th nice little wndow
Th prettyest window
That ever yoy saw

O, it happened one night
That grandma went to her bed
John, the cleverest sweetheart
That young Nellie had
Came over th hill
His sweetheart to see
An' under th window
Plainly talked he, of

The lovers set talking
Not much had been said
Till, grandma cried, Nellie
Come to your bed,
Yes, Grandma I'm coming,
Cried Nellie, in pain
So, fare-you-well, Johnny
Come next night again, to

Says Nellie to Johnny,
Don't make it a miss
Before you leave me
Just grant me one kiss,
With eager desire
He trussed his head thru
What is there in love
That lovers won't do, at

Three kisses he gave her
And sweet was th smack
When to his surprise
Could'nt get his head back
He raved and he caved
He screamed and he cursed
And Nellie set laughing
As tho' she would burst

With his head in th window
Nice little window
The prettyest window
That ever you saw

Grandma hearing the noise
Sprang on th floor
And seizing the poker
She rushed thru the door
And across't his poor back
She gave such a whack
And another one like it
Would've broken his back

He raved and he caved
And he cursed the old dame
With his head in th window
He had to remain
Till, the sash it gave 'way
And th glass it did break
And Johnny went home
With th frame 'round his neck, of