Sammy Morgans Gin

Cat. #0624 (MFH #596) - As sung by Boyce Davis, Lincoln, Arkansas on February 29, 1968

Now, listen folks an' I'll tell you a funny story
You may think its sad but I was in my glory
T'was a cellar I crept in, cobwebs hang'in on my chin
On th night I stoled ole Sammy Morgans gin

I took one step then landed in th coal box
From off th mantle came the old alarm clock
Well I finally got upstairs after passing several bears
On th night I stoled ole Sammy Morgans gin

I saw mices big as horses washin dishes
An' a ape came to th door dressed up in britches
But th funny'est sight of all was two roosters play'in ball
On th night I stoled ole Sammy Morgans gin

I woke up next morn, t'was really closer evening
My head was surely in an awful shape
Someone else had took my head, left an elephants instead
On th morn'in after drinkin Morgans gin