Cat. #0152 (MFH #88) - As sung by Mrs. Iva Haslett, West Plains, Missouri on July 31, 1958
As we were roaming o'er th prairie
On Franks lone ranch, one night
Our heads were on our saddles
Our fires were burning bright
Some were telling stories
Some were singing songs
Some were idly smoking
As th hours rolled along
At length we fell to talking
Of home and loved ones dear
A boy rose from his saddle
And brushed away a tear
Sing, lonely palace and cottage
So far away I roam
I'd give my pony and saddle
To be at home, sweet home
We asked him why he'd left his home
If it were so dear, to him
He looked down at the ground, a moment
And his eyes, with tears grew dim
He arose from his saddle
And gazed th rough crowd o'er
Saying, boys I'll tell ya th reason
I left ole Kansas shore
I fell in love with a neighbor girl
Her cheeks were soft and white
Another fellow loved her too
And it ended in a fight
This fellows name was Thomas Smith
We had been friends, since boys
We always shared each other alike
We shared each others joys
O, how it makes me shutter
To think of that sad night
While Tom and I were fighting
I struck him with my knife
An' often in my dreams I see
Tom as he fell, and said
Bob, ole boy, you'll be sorry
When you see me lying dead
I knelt down beside th boy
An' tried to stop th blood
That was flowing from his wounded side
Just like a crimson tide
And now boys, you can plainly see
Why I'm compelled to roam
I'm a murderer in th first degree
So far from home, sweet home