In the Shadows of the Pine

Cat. #1550 (MFH #1021) - As sung by Melvin Rogers, Ava, Missouri on April 8, 1975

We wander in th shadow of th pine, my love an' me
When th wind was blowing freshly from th sea
As th sudden pitful darkness steals across th summer sky
So th shadow came between my love an' me
Some hasty words were spoken an' from almost unaware
Hasty answers to unthinking words was said
An' I'd give th whole world gladly
Once again to meet you there
Reunited in th shadows of th pine

Come back to me, sweetheart
An' love me as before
Come back, back to me, sweetheart
An' leave me never more
In life's dark pathway
Th sun no longer shines
Come love, an' meet me
In th shadow of th pine

I wake from bitter dreaming just to call aloud your name
I sleep again to dream of you once more
All my stubborn pride has left me
I admit I was to blame
Forgive me dear an' love me as before
For th future is o're shadowed
With darkness I'm disturbed
In th sky of life th sun no longer shines
An' I'd give th whole world gladly
Once again to meet you there
Reunited in th shadow of th pine