Cat. #1563 (MFH #1030) - As sung by Everett Griggs, Clinton, Arkansas on June 17, 1975
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
There's trouble on th mountin'
So you better watch out
It's hi-a-way, hi-a-way
Hi-a-way, hi-a-way home
No use a worrin' but you surely better hurrin'
It's hi-a-way home
Possum settin' on a hickory limb
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
They soon made short work of him
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
Put 'im in a pan an' cook 'im sweet
Den he's fit for a King to eat
Possum, gravy cain't be beat
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
There's a bald-headed man in th very front row
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
His head's so hard th hair can't grow
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
A big mesquite, his bald head spied
Ate till he was satisfied
Then he used it for taboggan slide
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
There is an ole maid in our town
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
She goes to bed as th sun goes down
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home
She prays for a man as ole maids do
An' owl near by says, who-who-who
Says she, most any ole thing a do
Hi-a-way home, hi-a-way home