Pretty Quadroon

Cat. #0235 (MFH #506) - As sung by Naomi Evans, Rogers, Arkansas on August 13, 1958

O, I'll never forget when I met
Sweet Cora, my pretty quadroon
I see her dear eyes shining yet
As I vowed to be true 'neath th moon
Her fawn, was exceedingly fair
Her cheeks like th wild rose, in June
And th ringlets of her dark glossy hair
Would curl to my pretty quadroon

O, my pretty quadroon
My flower that faded to soon
My hearts like th strings on my banjo
All broke for my pretty quadroon

So happy, were we for awhile
Like th love birds that dwell 'neath th flower
And th sweetness - - - - - - -
Seemed to revel the blush of the flower
But the happiness faded like rose
And before the last - - of the moon
The - - knocked at my door
Took care of my pretty quadroon