Cat. #0237 (MFH #425) - As sung by Naomi Evans, Rogers, Arkansas on August 13, 1958
Two drummers, they were seated
In a grand hotel, one day
While dining they were chatting
In a joking sort of a way
There came a pretty waitress
To bring th tray of food
They talked to her familiarly
In a manner rather rude
At first she did not notice
Tom, angerly replied
But one remark was made to her
Brought tear drop to her eyes
She turned on her tormentors
Her cheeks were blushing red
Proaching at the picture
This is what she said,
My Mother, was a lady
And yours, you would allow
Perhaps you have a sister
Who needs protection now
I've come to this great city
To find my brother dear,
You would'nt dare insult me sirs
If brother Jack, were here
Th two, set there in silence
Their heads hung down in shame
Excuse us miss, we meant no harm
Pray tell me, what's your name
She told him and he cried aloud,
I know your brother too
We've been friends for many, many years
And he often speaks of you