You May Be Th Same Some Day

Cat. #0609 (MFH #733) - As sung by Paralee Weddington, Busch, Arkansas on February 8, 1968

At a hotel one night, set a crowd of young men
Making merry th stories for guests
When to th place, came an old fellow lame
Who's crudely an' rag'ly dressed
Get out, said th waiter, we've no room for you
The ole fellow turned on his way
Says, boys don't frown, just because I am down
For you may be th same some day

Oh, you may be th same some day
Some day when your far away
No one cannot tell what th future will bring
It's when you are old and gray
It's you who have parents at home
Should pity th one who must roam
Let's each give our might to th wonder tonight
For you may be th same some day

Th tear drops fell fast down th ole fellows face
As he mummered th scenes o'er an' o'er
I once had a home an' a wife that I loved
But her dear face I'll never see no more
Alone in th churchyard she's sleeping tonight
Th stories an ole one, you'll say
But boys do not frown, just because I am down
For you may be th same some day