If You Love Your Mother, Meet 'Er in the Sky

Cat. #0973 (MFH #305) - As sung by Ollie Gilbert, Mountain View, Arkansas on March 11, 1970

In a lonely graveyard
Many miles away
Lie our own dear Mother
Slumber 'neath th clay
O, h'v you forgotten
All 'er tears an' sighs
If you love your Mother
Meet 'er in th sky

She's waiting for you
In that happy home
Turn from sins dark pathways
Do no longer roam
Give your heart to Jesus
Upward lift your eye
If you love your Mother
Meet 'er in th sky

Leave th tales of sin
To th Saviour plea
He who saved your Mother
Surely will save thee
Give your heart to Jesus
Upward lift your eyes
If you love your Mother
Meet 'er in th sky

Gott'a happy meeting
Over in that land
When you meet your Mother
An' you hold 'er hand
There will be no partin'
No more bitter cry
If you love your Mother
Meet 'er in th sky