Dog, Gun, and Glove

Cat. #1067 (MFH #696) - As sung by Raymond Sanders, Mountain View, Arkansas on May 12, 1970

O, coat, hat an' jacket,
This lady put on away she went a hunting
With her dog an' her gun
O, many times she fired
But nothin' did she kill
An' she hunted around
Where th farmer did dwell
At length th young farmer
Came into his fields

Why aren't you at th wedding
Th lady, she replied
Why aren't you at th wedding
This lady, she cried
O, why ain't you at th wedding
The lady, replied
To see the young squire
Take home his bride

O, he said to th lady
If th truth I must tell
I cain't give her away
For I love her to well
O, this made th lady happy
T' see him so bold
She gave to him a glove
All flowered in gold

Saying, I figured this good luck
As I come along
While I was a hunting
With my dog an' my gun

Then this lady, she went home
With her heart full of love
She put forth th news
That she'd lost her glove
An' th very man that'll find it
N' bring it home t' me
I'll vow an' declare
That his bride, I will be

As soon as he heard th word
That th lady put forth
He took ' her th glove
That was flowered in gold
O, my dearest, honest Madam
O, here is your glove
Now won't you be so kind
As to grant me your love

It is already granted,
Th lady replied
It is already granted,
Th lady she cried
It is already granted
Th lady replied
I love th sweet breath
Of th farmer, she cried

O, now that I am married
I will tell you of th fun
How hunting up th farm
With my dog an' my gun
I'll be th miss'es, of my dairy
While th milkin' of my cow
My jolly, jolly farmer
Goes a whistiln' to his plow
