Green Grows the Lilac

Cat. #1200 (MFH #216) - As sung by Ollie Gilbert, Mountain View, Arkansas on August 31, 1971

Green grows th lilac that sparkles with dew
I'm lonely my darling, since parting with you
An' by th next meeting I hope to prove true
Change th green lilac to th read, white an' blue

O, once't had a sweetheart, but now I've got none
Since she's gone an' left me, I care for no one
Since she's gone an' left me, I care not for one
For she's found another one, much better than me

I wrote my love a letter in red rosy line
She sent me an answer al twisted an' twined
She sent me an answer all twisted an' twined
Saying, you write to your lover an' I'll write to mine
